Upon starting work at Studio Liddell, my first task was to create a range of VR samples that could be taken to the upcoming MIP Con, as well as future conferences. I had 5 weeks to create these samples and this experience was the second and longest overall.
The intention here was to build an experience that children would enjoy. Something with a strong fiction and story.
With respect to the visuals, this was predominantly an exercise in conventional level building. We purchased a range of assets from the Unity Asset Store and I built the space from these. Once the bulk of the space was blocked in I went on to refine it with additional assets as well as creating content from scratch, such as the main walkable land-mass and various props like the interactive chests.
All the interaction was scratch built in Unity using numerous C# scripts, including the camera / picture taking mechanic. We had a contractor assist with the dragon AI and logic.
The following images show the main scene layout running live in the Unity editor. The debug yellow, green and grey nodes are part of the dragon AI system.